We have similar weather to Colorado (depending on where). First, I put ImoLaza in standby mode. Not related to the sprinkler system, I disconnect the hoses connected to the house, remove any spray heads, and wind the hose in the in direction until no water comes out. I also have 1/2 of my spigots with ball valves inside that get shut off and drained (just in case).
The city shut off pressurized irrigation (PI) a couple of weeks ago. They suggest shutting the valve just after the water meter, which I have done. I also clean out the filter I have on the PI. I partially drained my water feature. When I put the sprinkler system, I put in an excess number of king drains. So, sometimes I blow out the pipes with compressed air and other times I do not (I do not think that much water sits in the pipes and have not had a problem yet).
However, I'd definitely advise against trying to DIY the whole winterization process, especially blowing out the pipes yourself. My recommendation would be to reach out to a local irrigation contractor who can take care of all that for you. Most companies in this area offer winterization and blowout services this time of year. Having a pro handle it will give you peace of mind knowing it's done right. As a new system owner, it's better to leave it to the experts your first winter rather than risk any rookie mistakes that could lead to bigger problems down the road.