I saw the option "cycle and soak" in the process of creating a schedule for my lawn. I don't quite understand what this is for.
JB Texas Soaking is to prevent the occurrence of a run-off due to inadequate soil absorption. Properly set soaking times prevent water wastage and deepen plant roots. Promote plant growth. You may check here. http://support.imolaza.com/?sid=1967&lang=en&action=faq&cat=11&id=32&artlang=en
You can think of it as eating. You would feel comfortable eating three meals a day. But if you eat your breakfirst, lunch and dinner at once. You won't be feel good. It's the same with plants.
DLane so graphic, hhhh
thanks, I finally got this. another question, I set a 15 mintues watering duration and watering 2 mintues then soaking for 3 mintues. Does the soaking time included in the 15 mintues?
RickyO no, not included. The length of your watering is 15 minutes, and the soaking time is counted separately.
Ok that's it. You're so nice bro.